Glazing and Finishing Dental Porcelain: A Literature Review

Dental porcelain has found an increased number of applications in recent years with the development of new methods for the construction of porcelain veneers and intracoronal restorations. In addition, it is used in metal-ceramic and all-porcelain crowns and bridges for the restoration of anterior and posterior teeth.

This paper presents a review of a number of studies that have examined the visual and microscopic appearance and roughness of glazed, unglazed and polished porcelain surfaces using techniques such as, scanning electron microscopy and surface profilometry.

All have agreed that glazed porcelain provides a smooth and dense surface. Many have shown that polishing can produce an equally smooth surface, which may even be esthetically better. Some studies supported the use of polishing as an alternative to glazing. However, reports have shown that unglazed porcelain is more abrasive than glazed.

Clinical Significance
This paper aims to guide general practitioners in the proper polishing of adjusted porcelain in the dental office. The recommendations of various authors are summarized in Table I.
MeSH Key Words:dental porcelain; dental polishing/methods; surface properties.