Photopolymerization of Composite Resin Using the Argon Laser

Because of the dental profession’s increased utilization of light-cured restorative materials, there has been a corresponding increase in research into the light sources used to initiate polymerization. The argon laser is one promising source, as the wavelength of light emitted by this laser is optimal for the initiation of polymerization of composite resins. The literature reflects a strong divergence of opinion about many aspects of the effectiveness of laser curing compared to conventional light curing. Research indicates that the argon laser offers a greater depth and degree of polymerization, less time required and an enhancement of the physical properties of composite resins polymerized. These advantages are offset by reports that the increased polymerization caused by the laser results in increased shrinkage, brittleness and marginal leakage. Dentists interested in the new technology need to monitor ongoing studies.

MeSH Key Words: argon; composite resins; lasers